
Fumigation Training

Bruce Dekker and his team at CQ ProTrain are able to offer their clients over 50 years of practical experience including fumigation training.

Fumigation Training – Fumigation Licence Course.

This course covers the skills and knowledge required to apply fumigants to control organisms and organism activity that affect the health, safety or amenity of persons, commodities or environments in domestic, commercial, industrial and maritime situations. The unit requires understanding client requirements, assessing the site, and selecting and using equipment, fumigants and application methods to effectively manage organisms.

Course Units

Licencing requirements for fumigation vary depending on which state in Australia you wish to be licenced.

ProTrain workshops focus on the main unit of competency CPPUPM3011 – Manage organisms by applying fumigants to commodities and environments.

Successful completion of this unit of competency enables candidates to apply for an occupational licence in most states of Australia.

Western Australia has additional requirements to be eligible to apply for a licence. Please contact the team at ProTrain to discuss these requirements and options for meeting them.


It is highly recommended that candidates have spent a reasonable amount of time assisting a qualified fumigator and have a basic understanding of the fumigation process.


You will also need a valid Unique Student Identifier, if you do not currently have a valid USI please follow this link here.

Program Delivery

Monday to Thursday
8:30am to 4:30pm


Areas of learning in this course include:

  • Chemical routes of exposure and potential symptoms of exposure to fumigants
  • Commodity sorption and desorption
  • Compliance requirements associated with Fumigation
  • Fumigation methods and enclosure types 
  • Equipment associated with performing fumigations
  • Types of fumigants
  • Testing and monitoring during the fumigation process
  • Hazards and hazard management associated with performing fumigations
  • Workplace Health and Safety requirements associated with performing fumigations

Completion of this fumigation course  provides credit towards CPP30119 Certificate III in Urban Pest Management.

Fumigation Training – Who Should Enroll?

This fumigation licence course is aimed at people who have experience working alongside a qualified fumigator and are seeking to obtain a licence to fumigate or just simply to obtain a more complete understanding of the fumigation process.

AFAS Department of Agriculture and Water Methyl bromide fumigations

CQ ProTrain is an approved provider of Fumigation Training, Accreditation and Auditing services for DAWE (Department of Agriculture & Water) formally DAFF-AQIS (Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service), both in Australia and to the Australian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme (AFAS) currently operating in several overseas countries.

Should your requirements include local fumigation activities, fumigation for export from Australia and fumigation of goods being imported into Australia or fumigation activities offshore for export to Australia under the DAWE/AFAS Scheme, then do not hesitate to contact us with the information relating to your requirements.

Equipment Design and Supply – Fumigation Training

CQ ProTrain can assist you in the design of a range of fumigation systems and has developed some specialised equipment and fittings that are available to the fumigator. We also have access to a range of electronic leak detection and monitoring equipment at competitive rates.

CQ ProTrain can provide you with assistance working which equipment you may require to perform fumigations:

  • Gas dispensers.
  • Vaporizers.
  • LPG gas burners – 82 mj/hr to 131 mj/hr heat capacity.
  • Single and multi outlet-manifolds.
  • Respiratory PPE options
  • Digital leak detection equipment.
  • Digital gas monitoring equipment.

CQ ProTrain regularly provides on site fumigation training programs.

If you think this is something your company may be interested in, please contact a ProTrain team member to discuss this option.

What Do I Need To Bring?

You will need to bring:
  • Biro
  • Pencil
  • Calculator
  • PPE – “O” type full face mask & appropriate respirator cartridge will be required as candidates will be entering the actual designated Risk Area during the practical work tasks.
  • Gas cannisters required for the workshop should be of the “AX” O type suitable for Methyl bromide. (ProTrain is able to supply these if required, please indicate this when booking).
  • Suitable clothing and footwear on practical days (typically days 3 & 4) including high visibility shirt or vest, long trousers, enclosed shoes, hat & sunscreen.


Fee in inclusive of all venue charges, practical on-site charges, consumables, presentation materials, text books, and handouts.

Morning tea and lunch is also provided within the course fee.

Payment can be made via EFTPOS, direct deposit any time prior to workshop commencement.


*There may be additional costs associated with units required for SA and WA.

ProTrain reserves the right to postpone workshops should minimum numbers not be met.

Name Date Time Location Spaces Cost
Fumigation Maroochydore 19 – 22 May 2025 08:30 am – 04:30 pm Sands Tavern Maroochydore 0 $2,300.00
DAFF AFAS Program Maroochydore 23 May 2025 08:30 am – 04:00 pm MAROOCHYDORE 8 $850.00
Fumigation Maroochydore 16 – 19 June 2025 08:30 am – 04:30 pm Sands Tavern Maroochydore 10 $2,300.00
Fumigation Maroochydore 1 – 4 September 2025 08:30 am – 04:30 pm Sands Tavern Maroochydore 10 $2,300.00

Have questions or unsure?